Hair transplantation is a surgical procedure, which is currently the only proven and effective treatment method that provides natural and long-lasting effects.

It is necessary to thoroughly train the Doctor and the assistant team for proper treatment.

The surgeon’s surgeon and assistant staff underwent a thorough training to allow them to perform procedures. In addition, during his professional work, the doctor expands his theoretical and practical knowledge in the field of hair restoration surgery and trichology . It allows him membership in a prestigious organization – ISHRS (International Association of Hair Reproductive Surgery) and in the organization FUE Europe .

Hair transplantation is used in both men and women. Treatments are also performed for the treatment of post-traumatic and post-burn scars in both adults and men children.

A very frequent procedure performed at the MD MEDMIX clinic is a transplant to the beard area, both as a supplement to the missing facial hair and the restoration of facial hair in men who do not have it.

In the FUE procedure, hair follicles are taken from the posterior and lateral part of the head, i.e. areas not subject to baldness, there they are not sensitive to male hormones. Hair does not fall out of these areas. The whole idea of ​​hair transplantation is that the hair follicles transferred into balding spots retain their properties and that is why we guarantee that these hair will not fall out of life.

A hair transplant treatment is performed in the case of:

-and-androgenetic alopecia in men
-and-androgenetic alopecia in women
– post-traumatic baldness
– baldness after treatment of scalp burns
– postoperative bladder
-hair hairs around the eyebrows, eyelashes, tendrils, beards
– facial hair growth

Hair transplant – for whom treatment?

Before making a final decision, we encourage you to talk to our surgeon. The potential patient must have strong, good hair around the occiput, which is the donor site.

The interaction between art and science plays a very important role in achieving natural and aesthetic results in hair restoration surgery. It is important that the doctor and the patient understand the natural aging process and change the hair with age. Therefore, it is important to develop a strategy to make the best use of the available amount of hair.

Features that are important during the qualification for a hair transplant surgery:

– age
– stability of hair loss
– origin
– the facial features
– range of future transplants
– patient’s expectation
– hair history of hair loss

Contraindications to hair transplant surgery:

– alopecia areata
– Infectious diseases of the scalp
– Advanced diabetes
– unregulated pressure

What should the patient know before surgery?

During a personal or electronic consultation, the surgeon performing the procedure will assess the condition of the patient’s hair and suggest a course of treatment. On the basis of expectations and possibilities will be determined the amount of hair graphs needed and the cost of the treatment. During the visit, please inform your doctor about the diseases and medications, vitamins and other surgical procedures planned.

The course of the procedure:

The procedure is carried out under local anesthesia.
The procedure starts with collecting the hair follicles from the posterior and lateral part of the head. Bellows assemblies are collected individually using special micropipes . After collecting the necessary amount of hair follicles, the second stage of the procedure takes place, implantation at the recipient site.

A detailed description of the course of the procedure can be found in the “course of the procedure”.

After treatment:

The area in the back of the head – the donkey heals in 7-10 days. The receiving area heals within 10-14 days.
Limitation of physical work lasts for 14 days, while sports exercises can be performed 20 days after the surgery.

In order to get acquainted with the post- treatment recommendations, please read the page
“Procedure after the procedure”.

1. Quality control
The surgeon throughout the treatment includes control over the entire team to achieve the best results. The surgeon also has control over the transplants and can pick up those that give benefits to the patient by adjusting the depth and the extraction angle of the bellows during operation. After downloading, the bellows are passed to the assistant, who analyzes each downloaded bellows. This protects the control over the least possible damage to the bellows.
The patient stays in the treatment room together with the assistants, which makes it possible for them to get to know and observe the work process.

2. Scars
In the FUE procedure, scars after hair follicles are healed within a few days. In treatments, we use modern punches with a diameter of 0.75-1.00 mm, which also affects the lack of traces after the procedure.

3. Placement of transplants
Historically, the FUT procedure was promoted as a method that has better results due to the presence of fat in the lower part of the grafts. However, studies have shown that the growth of strains is not dependent on the presence of fat. The hair follicles obtained in the FUE method have a coating of connective tissue and fat.

In the MD MEDMIX clinic, we use a modern device for the procedures, which controls the puncha’s working depth (needles) and creates minimal vibrations during work. Thanks to these unique features, it prevents damage to the hair during the collection. In addition, we work on the highest quality punchach (needles) on the market. They are made of hardened steel and are the sharpest of all offered blades. Punch penetrating the skin encounters less resistance. Depending on the type of skin, the surgeon uses two types of punchy – sharp and serrated. Serrated tips are much sharper than the classic ones, thanks to which the skin puts minimal resistance when entering the tissues.

Optimal cutting properties along with the possibility of adjusting the depth and minimum vibrations allow you to obtain a faster rate of collecting the bellows and extract hair graphs with the least percentage of damage.

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